domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Christmas Quiz 3 and Date.

Hello, boys and girls!

Here are the last two questions I am going to post, because the Quiz will take place on Wednesday 7 December during the English lesson. Good luck everyone and I hope you enjoy the surprises...

The questions are:

Who benefits more from Christmas cards?


What is the origin of the custom of kissing under the mistletoe?

See you in class!

Juan Carlos Laguna.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Quiz - Week two

Hello, lads and lasses!

This week's question is also a double one....

1.- Why do people hang up stockings at Christmas?

2.- What colour is the original Santa Claus suit? When and why did it change?

I hope that helps you win the prizes...

Beware of the Grinch that stole Christmas!

Juan Carlos Laguna.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Quiz

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes...

Christmas is all around you, and so the feeling grows...

If anyone hasn't seen Love Actually, he or she would never understand what Christmas is about... Freezing your bottom in the snow for that special person that will buy you a pair of socks as a present to celebrate the false birth of a myth.

And now, our main feature presentation...

There will be a Christmas Quiz in class some day in December. The questions will be taken out of the 32-page handout which you can buy at the photocopier, and there will be prizes for the students with the highest number of correct answers.

As I announced in class, I will post here some of the questions for the quiz in advance, so you can have an idea of what kind of things I am going to ask. I will post one question per week, but as this announcement comes a bit late, I will reveal two of them today.

The first question is : What is the origin of the name "Christmas"?

And the second question would be: What is a Christmas Pudding? What customs and traditions are associated with it?

I will announce the date of the quiz here after the English exam on 28 November, so stay tuned!

Juan Carlos Laguna.

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Card Competition

Ho, Ho , Ho, lads and lasses!

I hereby declare open the 2011 Christmas Card Competition for the 3A, 3B, 4B and 4C groups!

Here are the Terms and Conditions:

1.- Only students from these groups can hand in entries, unless the English Department extends it to all the other classes.

2.- The cards must have a maximum A4 size, with all the drawings and collages you consider appropriate (no photographs, please).

3.- All the messages must be in ENGLISH. No Spanish allowed!

4.- All the cards must have the full name and class of the author in the back.

5.- All entries are accepted from 1 December to 15 December. That means that the DEADLINE is December the Fifteenth, and not three days later!

6.- The best card of all will get a prize, and there will be two runner-ups.

Good luck!

Christmas is all around...

Hello, my students and pupils!

This post is just to announce that we will hace a few activities related to Christmas, such as a Christmas Quiz with prizes and a Christmas card competition.

I will tell you more in the next few days, so stay tuned!

See you in class...don't be late!

Juan Carlos.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Halloween Quiz: Answers.

Hello everyone!

Here are the answers to the quiz.

1.- The name Halloween comes from "All Hallows Eve" , meaning the day before All Saints Day (1 November).

2.- It didn't contain meat because it was forbidden by the Christian Church.

3.- It is a flat, round or oval cake flavoured with saffron, mixed spices and currants. They are not eaten nowadays because they used to contain coins, rings or other items with symbolic meanings.

4.- It is about 2000 years old, dating back to the time of the Celts. The Celts celebrated the end of Summer and the gathering in of the harvest with a festival called "Samhain", which took place on the night of 31 October. Even then, this date had links with ghosts and the spirit world, as on this night the Celts beleived that the boundaries between oir world and the next would weaken, allowing the souls of the dead to cross over and communicate with the living. A large part of the celebration iunvolved the building of huge bonfires, which were thought to welcome friendly spirits and ancestors, but ward off those considered dangerous. People would dress up in animal heads and skins, and burn sacrifices and gifts in thanks for the harvest.

5.- The original name for Halloween is "Samhain". It was a time for divination and the telling of fortunes. Apples feature widely in these divination techniques. For example, when bobbing for apples, a tradition that still survives until today, the first person to take a bite out of an apple would be the first to marry that year. In addition, when peeling an apple, the longer the unbroken length of peel, the longer you would be destined to live.

6.- The Christian church appears to have practised its usual policy of adopting pagan celebrations by converting Halloween into a Christian observance. By moving the old Christian festival of All Saints Day to 1 November, however they maintained the link with remembering the dead. On All Saints Day, a mass was held to honour the saints and martyrs, and this was preceded on the day before (All Hallows's Eve or Eve of All Saints (in Old English "Hallow" meant holly) by an overnight vigil. According to the early Christian church, this day also marked the release from purgatory of all souls for two days. All Souls Day, which commemorated the faithful departed, followed on 2 November. Together, the three festivals (the Eve of All Saints, All Saints Day and All Souls Day) became known as Hallowmass.

7.- Toffee apples, called candy apples in the US, apples coated with caramel or chocolate, roasted or barbecued corn-on-the-cob and porcorn. In the Us, candy corn (sweetcorn-shaped sweets made from honey, sugar fondant and corn syrup) is consumed in large quantities.

8.- Pagan Celts would leave gifts for the fairyfolk they believed wandered the countryside at Samhain and it was customary for people to go round their neighbourhoods asking for donations for the New Year feasting. People who took part in the New Year festivities would disguise themselves as the ghosts, fairies and spirits who they thought were present at that time of the year. The "Trick" part of the custom appears to have arisen in the USA in the 1930s, where Halloween became to be associated with the playing of pranks and jokes.

9.- Halloween and its more pagan traditions were first brought to the USA in the mid-1800s, when huge numbers of Irish immigrants fled to the USA following the Irish Potato Famine.

10.- People thought of this as a magical time, when the boundaries between this world and the next were dissolved. allowing the dead to return to earth, and for people to foresee their futures. It was also regarded as a time for mischief and trickery when pranks would be played and roles reversed.

And these are the results:

Victor Lauret, Class 3A: 2 correct answers.

Francisco Parra, Class 3B: 3 correct answers.

Alba Urbano, Class 4B: 8 correct answers.

Alessandra Balestrieri, Class 4B: 8 correct answers.

Laura Serrano, Class 4B: 9 correct answers.

Natalia Membribes, Class 4C Diversificación: 4 correct answers.

Antonio Pérez (whoever he is): 6 correct answers.







Congratulations! You will receive your prize in the first English lesson after the exam.

And to the rest of the participants, keep working because you have done a really good job!

Keep watching this space for the fabulous Christmas Quiz!!!!!!!!

martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Halloween horror story contest. Group 4C

Hello, boys and girls!

After a long process of very careful and deep thinking, here are the results. It has been a very tough decision, mainly due to the fact that there have only been TWO entries, but the winner will get his or her prize anyway.

I am going to copy both of them here just as they come, with only minor changes to help understanding. You are free to make any corrections in your comments, but please be respectful with your classmates.

IN THE SUN... by Yesuenesis Rodríguez Gómez

Once upon a time in a beautiful shining country there was a nice old couple who liked to live in the sun. Michael and Ada were not too old, but quite old to need some help at home.

So, thinking about it, they put an advertisement in a popular newspaper. Many women responded to the advert, but they chose a nice young Transylvanian girl in her thirties.

One day the couple got ill with flu and they asked the girl. Martha, to stay for the night.

Michael and Ada used to have a cat that disappeared in the dark outside the house.

One night with no moon, Ada was walking in the garden when she stepped on something that kept her attention, one little ear appeared from the land. She started digging and her cat was there. She screamed and screamed so Martha heard her and she came to help her.

Ada needed to have a cup of tea to relax. A night after, Michael, Ada and Martha were watching television and suddenly they heard a scratch on the door, they thought it was the wind and did not care.

Strange things started happening, one meow here, one strange small, but they did not care, they only wanted to sunbathe in the terrace.

But one raining night with full moon, (yes, it sometimes rains), the couple listened to Martha's screams, they went to see her and she confessed that she killed the cat and the spirit of the cat went every night to her bedroom and tried to attack her. She pulled her sleeves up and showed them her injuries. They were shocked, but when Michael and Ada were coming back to their bedroom in panic, something attacked them from behind, threw them to the floor and killed them.

The police found the bodies on the floor the next week.

But how many bodies? ...?

HALLOWEEN STORY by Oriana López Loureiro.

Once upon a time in a small town in the North of England there were six girls. They worked in a butcher's in the town centre. They were hard workers.

They were known as the witches sisters. During the day, they were normal girls. They went to high school in the morning, and when they finished high school, they started to work in the butcher's.

It was said in town that when a five or six year old boy went into the shop, that boy disappeared mysteriously. The witches hid the boys until the people stopped looking for the boys. Meanwhile, at nights, the witches cut the boys in small pieces because they made potions in order to be young forever.

In Halloween night, some boys disappeared because the sisters kidnapped them while they entered the butcher's to ask for sweets.

After some time, the butcher's was abandoned because the six sisters died, the new owner of the shop found human bones.


And the winner is...





... Oriana López Loureiro!

Congratulations! You will receive your prize in the first lesson after the English exam.

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Halloween horror story contest. Group 4B.

Hello, boys and girls!

It has been a very hard decision because there have been only two entries from this class. I will announce the winner after posting both of them. I hope you like them! I will copy them just as they come, with only minor corrections for understanding. You are free to add or correct anything in your comments, but please be respecful to your classmates.

THE HALLOWEEN THRILLER by Yolanda Gavilán Romero.

At Halloween night when it was raining there were two friends in a doorway waiting for it to stop raining. They were listening to strange noises, they looked around them but they could not see anything because it was very dark, because there were not any lights.

The door started to open and it was like if somebody was there but they could not see anything. Ali, one of the girls, was sitting down and she could feel like if somebody was next to her, she started to scream because she was very frightened.

Yolanda started to scream too but she could feel nothing. Ali asked her to help them, she screamed very loud but nobody listened to her, she went back to help her friend but Ali was not there. Yolanda, frightened, started to cry, she started to scream her friend's name, every time she said her name, she listened to very strange noises, she went up and down the corridor to see if...

..she could find her, but she could not and she did not stop crying, she started to think she was mad, because she could not see anything, somebody was telling her name and she went out to the street because she was frightened, but nobody was there and she could not find Alicia there, so she went back in, when she went back Alicia was sitting down, she sat next to her and Alicia bit her.

Yolanda died because she was poisoned and Alicia's body was not found.

Where will it be?

PS: Be careful in the doorways in Halloween!

THE BLESSED SOULS by Laura Serrano Romero.

This story reports the supernatural phenomena that a fifteen year old girl feels, a few days before the birthday of her best friend.

The first strange evet was when she left school and she saw her friend Mary, but she was accompanied by two tall and robust men dressed in black, and they were insinuating with gestures to stay away. Lucy went home quickly thinking about these two men who were escorting her friend and did not let her talk with ther friend.

The next day when she saw Mary, she was impatient to ask her about the two men.

-Hey, Mary!

-Hi, Lucy! What happens?

-Yestarday I wanted to talk with you but the two men who were with you intimidated me.

-The men? What men? Yesterday I was alone. You have the wrong person.

But Lucy was totally sure that she saw her friend with two strangers. But she decided to forget it.

When she arrived home after school, she went to greet her mom but she saw a old woman dressed in black, sitting in her sofa, so she greeted her, thiking that she would be a friend of her mother's.

-Hello, Mom!

-Hi, darling, how whas been the day?

-Very good. Who is in the living room?

-There isn't anybody home.

-Of course there is! I have greeted her.

So she went back running to the living room and she saw that the woman who she greeted was not there. Very frightened, she went running to the street to look for her, but there was not anybody.

Lucy started to get frightened too much and she thought that she could be tired, so she went to her room and began to do her homework.

At night, while she was sitting in her bed reading a book, she got frightened when she heard the television turning on suddenly and she stayed watching it, but the screen was only grey with a very strange sound.

The next morning, after she had been all night without sleep thinking in the strange things that were happening, she decided to look for information on the internet about supernatural phenomena.

In a website she found comments that people made to a man who knew about strange appartitions and paranormal things, and Lucy decided to make him a comment telling what had happened and asking for indications about what she should do.

Two days later she saw that the man had answered her comment and said:

Hello, Lucy,

I think that you have seen the so-called blessed souls, and they are spirits of the dead people who are in the mortal world because thay have a mission to do and they can't rest in peace.

They are always dressed in black and only some people can see them, so I think that you are one of them, but be calm, because they are practically inoffensive and they just want to communicate with you, but they can't speak, they just can do gestures or actions, so what happened to you with the television could be to call your attention.

Next time, you should communicate with them and ask them if you can help and how, but be careful, because the blessed souls get angry if you do not fulfill your promises or if you ignore them when they need you.

They can do things that make you repent for all your life, so be careful and good luck!

Thank you for your comment and we will wait for news.

Lucy got traumatised when she finished reading it and she got frightened to think that she had seen dead people and furthermore when she thought that they want her for something and she should see them again and also communicate with them. She did not understand why they had chosen her and what is that they want to tell her.

The days passed slowly and without innovations, so she began to forget the blessed souls.

The next weekend would be her best friend's birthday and they were going to do a surprise party, so she had met her friend Mary to buy the preparations and the gifts.

They met in the afternoon to go to the shopping centre of the town and Lucy was useful to ask Mary about the two men.

-Mary. Has any of your relatives died recently?

-Yes. Why?

-Because yesterday I heard your mother talking about it.

-Well, yes, two weeks ago my two oldest cousins died.

-Oh, wow! How?

-My cousin John, the oldest, had been bought a new car and they went to the town centre that night to celebrate it, but when they went back they didn't see a traffic sign and they were in the wrong road and they got into one in the opposite direction.

-Oh, my god! I am sorry, indeed. Did hou have a big relationship with your cousins?

-Yes, really, because I have always been the smallest and they had me very protected.

-Oh, all right! Sorry for medding in your personal life.

-No, really, don't worry.

After this conversation Lucy started extracting conclusions and she thought that the men who were with Mary might be her two dead cousins, but what will they want to protect her from?

-Well, where do we begin?

-I think that we should begin with the preparations. I thought that the best option is to celebrate it in my father's business premises and we are going to make a crazy party!

-OK, so we are going to buy the drinks and the tobacco. And, what are we going to give her?

-I don't know, now we are going to look for something in the shops.

When Lucy arrived home, her mother was waiting for her with some bad news.

-What happens, Mom?

-Do you remember your great-grandmother Valentina?

Then Lucy remembered and she realised that the woman who she saw in her living room was her great-grandmother, whom she had met in a family meal.

The funeral was the following day and they should travel three hours to get to it.

In the funeral there were not may people and a woman was talking about her great-grandmother's life, and she should have been a very strange woman. then Lucy thought she had seen her great-grandmother in the door and went out to look for her. She found her some rooms beyond and she was waiting for her, so Lucy decided to go and talk with her. When she arrived, her great-grandmother smiled to her, and then she started to hear a voice in her mind saying Be careful with what you do, and don't get angry with the souls, they will make you pay for your disobedience! And she disappeared. Lucy did not understand why she was disobeying the souls, and decided to go back to the funeral.

Sofía was about to arrive and everything was ready. When she arrived, the party started and everybody started drinking, dancing and smoking, but then a horrible thing happened. Everybody was being sick and fainting, but nobody knew why. Suddenly Lucy saw Mary's cousins behind her, they were looking at Lucy with angered faces while Mary did not stop being sick and she started to vanish, and Lucy asked What happens?, and then she realised that everybody had drunk vodka except for her, who had drunk something that a strange boy dressed in black gave to her. This was the last thing that Lucy could think about.

When she woke up, she was running to the lounge looking for her mother and she watched on the television a piece of news that said that last weekend in her same village, young people were poisoned in a party and one of them expired without knowing why. Then she looked for her mother, and she was sitting in her favourite armchair with a photo of her between her hands. Then she understood everything. She was punished by the souls for having disobeyed the only thing that they asked her, to protect Mary. Now Lucy is a blessed soul and she looks for someone who could see her, and warn him of the consequences.

The End.

And the winner is...





... Yolanda Gavilán Romero!

Congratulations! You will receive your prize in the first English lesson after the exam.

Halloween horror story contest. Groups 3A and 3B

Hello, boys and girls!

Due to the laziness you have shown in NOT handing in any horror stories, I will keep the prize to myself. The only entry I had is a translation of a well-known tale by the American writer Edgar Allan Poe done by group 3A student Victor Lauret Arco.

And as it is not an original story, it cannot be accepted.

Have a terrible Halloween!

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Halloween Quiz: Questions.

Hello, boys and girls!

Here you have the questions for the Halloween Quiz. Remember that the answers are in the handout I gave you called "Halloween traditions". Read the questions well and search carefully for the answers.

Good luck!


1.- Where does the name "Halloween" come from?

2.- Which ingredient did the traditional Halloween food NOT contain?

3.- What is a "soul cake"? Why are they NOT eaten nowadays?

4.- How old is the festival of Halloween? When and how did it start?

5.- What is the original name for Halloween? How is it related to apples?

6.- How did the Christian church change the celebrations in the ninth century?

7.- What special food is eaten in Halloween nowadays?

8.- Where does the custom of "Trick or treating" come from?

9.- How has Halloween changed in the USA? Who took it there?

10.- Why did the Celts consider it "a time for mischief"?

I hope you all get them right!

Watch your backs!

Juan Carlos "The Ripper" Laguna.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

Halloween Horror Story Contest

Just a reminder that the deadline for the horror story contest is Thursday 27 and Friday 28 of October.
Good luck!
Remember that the three best stories in each class will be published here!
Watch your back!

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

Welcome to my nightmare!

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening!

This is the first post of what I hope will be a list of many, many others which will help you, me and everyone learn English through practice.

It is a way of interaction between teacher Juan Carlos Laguna and his students started in the school year 2011-12.

That's all, folks!